API reference#

Track and limit framerate of a program.

class tcod.clock.Clock#

Bases: object

Measure framerate performance and sync to a given framerate.

Everything important is handled by Clock.sync. You can use the fps properties to track the performance of an application.

Time is sampled with time.perf_counter.


import tcod.clock

clock = tcod.clock.Clock()
while True:
    clock.sync(1 / 30)  # This loop will run at 30 FPS until interrupted.
property last_fps: float#

The FPS of the most recent frame.

property last_frame: float#

The length of the most recent frame.


Last time this Clock was synced.

property max_fps: float#

The FPS of the fastest frame.

max_samples = 64#

Number of framerate samples to log. This attribute be set in the class or instance.

property mean_fps: float#

The FPS of the sampled frames overall.

property median_fps: float#

The FPS of the median frame.

property min_fps: float#

The FPS of the slowest frame.


Sync to a given framerate and return the delta time.


desired_framerate (float | None) – The desired framerate in seconds. If None is given then this function will track the time and framerate without ever waiting. Must be above zero when not None.


The delta time since the last call to sync, in seconds.

Return type:



A recent collection of delta-time samples.